In the next few minutes, I am going to share with you how you can increase sales this holiday season using your website.
First, go through your website and make sure it displays correctly on both mobile and desktop. Check for any typos and make sure all your buttons go where they are supposed to go and that all images display correctly. Make edits wherever necessary because you are going to have a lot of web traffic and you don’t want to lose a sell over something as simple as a non-clickable payment button!
Second, pick a service or product you want to run a sale on. For example, a chiropractor might advertise free massages and relaxation CDs to get people book at his location. Once there, they can see how nice the office is and decide to book another appointment or even gift one for someone else.
After you create your offer, you want to add this information to your landing page.
The reason why you want to use a landing page instead of your website’s home page is for one, trackability, which I will get into in just a moment, and 2, you want your customer’s attention completely on your sale item and with limited distractions. After you create your landing page you want to install Google analytics on their. That way, you can track how many people are going to your landing page from the ad you created. This step alone will let you know if your ad is working and if not, to make changes to your ad copy.
Now this next step is very important. You want to have two pages after your landing page, so when a customer clicks the learn more button, you can track how many people were actually interested in learning more! This is important because if people are coming to the landing page but no one is going to the next step to find out more, then you will have to make changes to your landing page until they do. On this page you will add a “buy now” button. This button will take them to the last page of your funnel. It is extremely important you install google analytics onto this page because if you find a lot of people or getting to this last page but are not buying, there may be a problem with your price. You will need to make edits until you solve this problem. Remember, making these changes will significantly increase your sales. These pages are known as your funnel pages and they are important because as you analyze which pages get traffic, you can see where people are falling off and make edits to those pages to increase conversions.
By effectively doing this, you will be able to run Google or Facebook ads, have people who are interested in your ad go to your landing page, learn more and make a purchase.
The last and most important thing you need to do is have a three-question form that pops us when someone lands on your page to ask for their contact information. This is very important because this information can later be added to your text or email campaign. By understanding which ad brought a person to your website will allow you to “tag” them and later offer them similar sales. These campaigns are very advantageous because when customers fill out the simple pop-up form, they will automatically be tagged and added to your campaign. The campaign will automatically send out texts and or emails prewritten by you or at the very least, customers will be grouped together, tagged by interest for you to market to later.
By now you may be wondering where do I start? I’ve given you the blueprint for you to get started. If you have questions, please let us know!